Helpful Guidelines for Successful Weight Loss

Weight loss should occur when you eat fewer calories than you burn. Increasing physical activity while limiting your calories will increase your rate of weight loss. Increasing physical activity will also help you to maintain your weight after weight loss. Discuss appropriate calorie levels and serving sizes with your dietitian.

1. Keep a written food and physical activity journal.

2. Weigh yourself once per week at the same time of day, with the same amount of clothing, and on the same scale.

3. Eat breakfast everyday and do not skip meals. Skipping meals can lead to extreme hunger, overeating and poor food choices.

4. Plan your meals and eat around the same time every day.

5. Pick an eating area at home and/or work.

Turn off the TV and/or computer during meals and snacks.

7. Eat slowly. Take 30 minutes for a meal. It takes 20 minutes before you feel full, so wait 20 minutes after your first serving before taking a second serving.

8. Eat protein foods first to help you feel full sooner.

Read food labels to help control portions of food.

10. Eat less fat and sugar. Eat more fiber, including fresh fruits/vegetables and whole grains.

Limit restaurant and fast food meals.

12. Don’t keep problem foods around the house and/or at work. A problem food is a food that you are likely to eat too much of or too often if readily available.

Drink at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of liquids per day. Focus on calorie-free, caffeine-free beverages.

14. Get adequate sleep each night (7-9 hours).
Helpful Guidelines for Successful Weight Loss Helpful Guidelines for Successful Weight Loss Reviewed by Unknown on 10:08 PM Rating: 5

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