10 easy tips to lose weight

Dieting is not easy. If it was, probably all be thin. Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit too.

Weight+Loss+Advice+10+easy+tips+Weight+Loss+tipsSuccess Tip NO. 1: Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day

Well, for many people this is a big problem. The water does not taste the best in general because the water is not really "taste" like anything. Drinking water 8 to 10 times each day gets easier the more you actually do it. It is simply a matter of conditioning your taste buds, and yourself, to make it easier to do. Once you start, you will begin to crave water.

To begin with, you should drink a glass of water first thing in the morning before eating. This is probably the easiest glass you will drink all day and help you to remember to drink water throughout the day. Better yet, why not drink two glasses?

If you really can not stand the taste of water, try using a pitcher or water purification filter. You can also add a few drops of lemon or lime to the water - but no sugar or sweetener? Ice also helps.

Check out flavored waters on the market, too. Just keep an eye out for additives.

Success Tip NO. 2: Breakfast

Do not skip breakfast. If you go to bed a little earlier so you can get up 20 minutes earlier each morning - do it! Breakfast is so important for your health and weight control. According to Dr. Barbara Rolls a professor of nutrition at Pennsylvania State University, "Your metabolism slows while you sleep, not climb back until you eat again."

Eating breakfast is not only good for overall weight loss, it will help you stay on track with your diet the rest of the day. You are more likely to binge on something sweet and in the group of "bread", if you skip breakfast.

You can always take a couple of hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator or another, the result of high starch low fiber around. If you eat fruit at all during the day, breakfast is the perfect time to do so.

Success Tip NO. 3: Eat at least 3 meals and 2 snacks per day

This is perhaps one of the most difficult adjustments to make. After all, you're busy! You already have a "full plate." When did you have time to worry about filling your plate with more frequent meals?

As breakfast increases your metabolism if you eat more often. This will also help to curb bad carb intake, ensuring that snacks are planned and occur regularly throughout the day.

Ultimately, it will just take a minimal investment of planning time at the grocery store and at home each morning before heading out for the day to make healthy food choices and prepare healthy snacks and meals. For suggestions, just see the handy list of snacks and appetizers listed later.

Success Tip NO. 4: Avoid foods WHITE

This is an easy way to remember what not to eat. If it is made of sugar, flour, potatoes, rice or corn - just say no. Remember this rule is easier to recognize rice cakes as a snack rich in unhealthy carbohydrates.

Always look for colorful fruits and vegetables to replace white. Buy broccoli, lettuce, peppers, green beans and peas, brown rice in moderation, leafy greens like kale and spinach, apples, melons, oranges and grapes.

These foods are not only colorful they are also high in fiber, nutrients and antioxidants. Eating colorful fruits and vegetables will give your variety of food as well as give you more health benefits.

Success Tip NO. 5: Eat Your Veggies

It is so easy to use a low carb diet as an excuse for poor nutrition. Resist the temptation. If the only vegetable you have eaten in the past five years has been the potato, now is a good time to begin experimenting with other vegetables. This is important for your overall health and to avoid some unpleasant side effects of not getting enough fiber in your diet.

If you try hard enough you will find vegetables that you enjoy eating. Experiment with grilled vegetables and cooking with real butter to add flavor. You can also search for new recipes on the Internet or in cookbooks.

Remember, if you eat 40 grams of carbs per day or less, two cups of plain salad contain only about 5 grams of carbohydrates. No excuse not to eat your vegetables.

Success Tip NO. 6: prepare your own food as much as possible

As more and more restaurants are offering the friendly low-carb menu, many of them are still not ideal meal that is low in carbohydrates. There are many recipes for quick and easy meals that you can prepare at home. Try to do this as often as possible.

If you cook your own meals, you know exactly what the content is and will be able to better control the hidden sugar and otherwise processed foods.

Another advantage is the reduction of costs in the long term. Even if you go to the store more often, you will save a significant amount per meal instead of eating in restaurants and fast food establishments.

It will also be easier to maintain your diet with your own favorite fresh food selections on hand.

Success Tip NO. 7: Invest in a good set of food storage containers

Having food storage containers of various sizes on hand will make it much easier for you to plan your meals and snacks. When you buy nuts, fruits and vegetables wholesale simply prepare, process and store for easy use later.

For example, you can pre-cut apples and snack on them for several days. Simply cut, rinse with pineapple or lemon juice and store. This will make a quick and easy snack for later.

Fix your lunch and take it with you to work. Better yet, fix your lunch and 2 snacks for work.

Success Tip NO. 8: eat protien at every meal and as a snack

In addition to what has been mentioned above, the consumption of protein helps you burn more calories. Jeff Hample, Ph.D., RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association says that "proteins are composed mainly of amino acids, which are harder for your body to breakdown, so you burn more calories get rid of them. "

Just think - eating a protein rich snack can help you lose weight. How about a few slices of turkey or ham or cheese string?

Eating protein also helps you feel full so you're less likely to desire unhealthy foods.

Success Tip NO. 9: drink a glass of water after each snack

This will help you in your 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, but can also have other benefits. Never be hungry after eating a handful or standard serving of nuts? Try drinking water later. Water will help you feel full and avoid excess.

Drinking water after a snack will also help remove the taste of the mouth and can help reduce your desire for more.

Success Tip NO. 10: Eat slowly and enjoy your food

You will feel full and satisfied if you take the time to savor your food and chew slowly. Avoid contact with the habit of eating standing or eating quickly. Sit down and chew.

Eating slowly will help you enjoy your food more, pay attention to what they eat and have a better idea of ​​when it is complete.
10 easy tips to lose weight 10 easy tips to lose weight Reviewed by Unknown on 5:46 PM Rating: 5

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