Practical Weight Loss Advice - What Have You Got to Lose?

Losing weight is probably the most popular decision people make on a regular basis. There is an infinite number of fad diets and weight loss products for those searching for the plump person's panacea. Ignore most of them and follow some basic guidelines to get weight loss success.

Seriously, see your doctor first.

Just as you have always heard, discuss any weight loss program with your doctor. Your doctor is in the best position to enlighten you on what you should do and how you might go about doing it.

- Get the once over. Have your overall health evaluated. A thorough examination could reveal some health issues you need to address before undertaking a weight-loss regimen.

- Discuss options. Listen to your doctor, the staff nutritionist, and the wellness coach. Decide what best suits your lifestyle and your fitness level.

- Understand limitations. If you have not exercised since kindergarten, do not set out to start running marathons within six weeks. If you set an unrealistic goal you are going to give up almost instantly.

Gimmicks are stupid. Beware of catch phrases, empty promises, and ridiculous before-and-after pictures. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

- Fast. Fast is a relative term. Not all people are programmed the same way. Although everyone wants instant results, it is just not going to happen if you follow a logical and reasonable plan.

- Best. What does BEST mean? There is no such thing. What is best is what actually works without creating additional problems.

- Guaranteed. Yeah, right. Unless you have a written document that promises a cash reward for diet failure, ignore this absurd diet word.

Exercise. Move it and lose it. Whether you want to admit it or not, exercise is a key component to a successful weight loss plan. Exercise will help you reach your weight loss goal quicker are more efficiently.

- Weight a minute! Keep hand weights around for a quick arm workout. Idle hands, yadda yadda yadda.

- Reach for the stars. Place the things you know you will need out of arms reach so you have to get up to get them.

- Take the long way home. Park as far away from the store as possible and take the stairs whenever you can.

- Sweat it out. Buy good shoes but average sweats. You will be more inclined to actually exercise because your feet are comfortably cushioned but you will not worry about sweating in your precious designer active wear.

- Count on it. Count your steps to see how far you go every day. You might be surprised how far or how little you walk on the average day.

- Optical illusion. Surprisingly, if you put your food on a smaller plate your brain will tell you that you are eating more than you actually are and you will not feel 'cheated'.

Diet. But not. It may sound crazy, but most people become overweight by eating too much. The only way to lose weight is to eat less while eating better.

- It's not a diet. Diets are temporary. If you want to lose weight and improve your health, you have to make a commitment to overhaul your overall existence and change your habits permanently.

- Pick and choose. You can't eat it if you don't buy it. A $3 bag of cookies can be replaced with a bunch of 8 bananas and 1 pound of red seedless grapes.

- Mix it up. Mix some of your favorite flavors with healthy snack choices. Add some dark (not milk) chocolate chips (1 tbsp) to a healthy snack choice, like some almonds and Honey Nut Chex®.

- Fiberific. Fruits and vegetables. Beans and nuts. Whole grain cereals and breads. There are enough choices that not having enough fiber in your diet is not an option.

- Water, water everywhere. Drink water when you feel hungry but it is not quite mealtime. Your stomach will be full and you will be content to wait it out.

- Less is more. When comparing calories and quantities, it is possible to eat more food while ingesting fewer calories. A handful of baby carrots, a low fat granola bar, and four low fat vanilla wafers combined with 8oz. of water have fewer calories than a toaster pastry with far more health advantages.

- Write it down. Take the time for at least three days to write down everything you eat and how much you exercise. Everything means everything: one cracker, a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee, or whatever else you put in your mouth. If you eat it, it counts.

- Measure up. Buy yourself a full set of measuring cups and spoons and be prepared to measure your portions to keep calories under control.

Mind over Matter.

- Do it for yourself. Do not lose weight for anyone but yourself. Make your mind up and set your own goals.
- Open mouth, insert fruit. Food doesn't float, so WHEN you eat it it's your choice WHAT you eat and HOW OFTEN.

- Tough questions. Ask yourself, "Do I want to be fat forever?" If you are reading articles about how to lose weight, you obviously want to make a change.

Only you can eat less, move more, and take ownership over your weight problems. I know all of these suggestions work because I used every single one of them and lost 42 lbs. in six months. I did not buy special food that was delivered to my front door, take pills that evaporated excess water, or buy a contraption that promised rock-hard abs. After two years I have maintained my weight by maintaining these practical eating and exercise habits.

Holly Hicks is a working freelance writer on who practices what she preaches -- and vice versa. Watch for more of her articles in the future.
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Practical Weight Loss Advice - What Have You Got to Lose? Practical Weight Loss Advice - What Have You Got to Lose? Reviewed by Unknown on 10:05 PM Rating: 5

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