Here's Drinks Eliminate Belly Fat With Method of Preparation

Many women suffer from the accumulation of abdominal fat and waist for several reasons. So we will give some natural drinks that help you to solve this problem:

* Drink Chinese green tea and fresh mint, ginger, pomegranate peel :

Drink+Chinese+green+tea+and+fresh+min+ ginger+pomegranate+peel

Boil two tablespoons of the amount of each type in the appropriate amount of water, then drain and leave to cool and then drink it amount after every meal.

* Drink green tea and sage, chamomile, cinnamon :


Method: soak equal amount of ingredients in the amount of water and then leave until boiling then drain and leave to cool and drink them daily, morning and evening.

* Drink fennel seeds :


Method: Boil one tablespoon fennel seeds in a bowl and then a descriptive the liquid and leave to cool down and drink it twice a day. It is very useful to get rid of abdominal distension and reduce its size.

* Drink green tea, chamomile, cumin :


Method: Put a teaspoon of each type in the water and then put them on the fire until boiling, then drain and drink a cup a day. And finally that eating black tea and lemon without sugar is useful in burning fat.
Here's Drinks Eliminate Belly Fat With Method of Preparation Here's Drinks Eliminate Belly Fat With Method of Preparation Reviewed by Unknown on 4:44 PM Rating: 5

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