How Do I Lose My Love Handles: 4 Exercises That Can Help You Get Rid of Loose Fat

Are you embarrassed by sagging flesh and have to wear baggy clothing to conceal your figure all the time? Then you need to find a solution that can give you the results you're looking for so you can proudly walk around in swimwear anytime.

There is no magic pill or fad diet that can make your handles vanish over night. You need to be dedicated and determined if you want to get rid of them.

Are you asking yourself 'so how do I lose my love handles?'

The first thing that you need to consider is exercising and not just any exercise will do here. You will need to concentrate on exercises that would build muscles around your stomach region. Here are 4 exercises that can get rid of loose fat right now.

1. Double-Arm Reverse Row

This exercise bolsters your back and eradicates flabby flesh around your midsection. This exercise is performed with you standing up with a pair of 3 pound weights. You begin the exercise by bending over with your arms resting on your thighs.

Then you use your back muscles to slowly raise your arms up and move them backwards as if you are trying to row an imaginary boat. Do 10. Take a breather and do 10 more.

2. The Twist Crunch

The Twist Crunch helps to work out the abdomen, buttocks and oblique muscles where your droopy flesh tend to reside. You start this exercise with a standard crunch. The only difference here is that your legs are up and knees are bent. Interlock your fingers behind your head and as you raise your body up, twist it to touch your left elbow with your alternate knee. Repeat the motion with your other elbow. Do it 25 times daily and in less than a month, you will see a world of difference.

3. Alternate Knee-Ins

This exercise is conducted by bending back on your elbows with legs extended before you and slightly lifted off the mat. When you support your back with your hands, try to bring one knee towards your shoulder and try it with the other. The motion that you would generate is similar to a bicycling motion. It keeps your stomach muscles tightened and eliminates love handles altogether if you are consistent with doing this exercise.

4. Standing Trunk Twists

These are aerobic exercises that can help destroy fat lodged around your tummy area. You stand in a position that you are comfortable with and spread your feet a shoulder width apart. You then twist your upper body to the left and as you do this, punch out with your right arm and vice versa. Ensure that your hips are still, you should only by moving your waist. It is the easiest of all the exercises mentioned here, so doing over a 100 daily is not an impossible task.

Exercise is a crucial component in your battle against the bulge. You do not have to take on too much early on. Start with what you are comfortable with and feel free to combine it with a physical activity that you enjoy doing like walking, swimming or running on the treadmill. It really does not matter what you choose as long as it is something that you can do at least 5 times out of 7 days.

Now you have some of the best work outs for melting fat off your love handles. Remember that you still need to monitor your food intake because no matter how much exercise you do, if you're putting in more calories than you're body is burning you'll always gain weight.

The good news is that there are simple and effective strategies that anyone can follow to naturally burn fat and tone your body.

Check out these tips to get the results you want faster than you ever though possible. Good luck with getting in the best shape of your life.

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How Do I Lose My Love Handles: 4 Exercises That Can Help You Get Rid of Loose Fat How Do I Lose My Love Handles: 4 Exercises That Can Help You Get Rid of Loose Fat Reviewed by Unknown on 9:01 PM Rating: 5

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